Poker Room Promotions


Wendover's Best Poker Action

Peppermill Poker Room

Chips will be cleaned more frequently. Cards will be changed and sanitized at least every two hours. No Smoking.


Every Day Promotions: 7 days a week, 24 hours a day

Quads*: Make four of a kind (using both hole cards) and receive $100. High Hand eligible.
Straight Flush*: Make a straight flush (using both hole cards) receive $200. High Hand eligible.
Royal Flush: Make a royal flush (using one hole card) receive $100. (Not eligible for High Hand). Make a Royal Flush (using both hole cards*) receive $500. (High Hand eligible).

Bad Beat Jackpot: Quads or better beat, $20 pot qualifier, must have a pocket pair and use both hole cards for straight flushes to make the best possible hand. $5,000 payout. See bad beat distribution rules.


Aces Cracked: Monday - Thursday    8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  

  • First aces cracked get $300 after that any aces that get cracked will get $100 till 4pm.

Four Card Flush: Monday - Thursday    4:00 PM to 12:00 AM. 

  • Get a flush from 4pm till 12am and get $300 dollars.
  • Have to get all suits (clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades) before midnight.

High Hand (Hourly)*:

  • Starts at $200.
  • Every 2 hours a qualified High Hand is not hit $100 is added to the payout.
  • Players must use a pocket pair for a full house or quads making the best possible hand.
  • Both hole cards must be used for a straight flush to make the best possible hand.
  • Minimum qualified hand is aces full of jacks
  • Whatever the High Hand payout is at when the room goes dark the amount freezes in place. High Hand payout is carried over to the next day and is the starting point when the Poker room re-opens.
  • Once the High Hand is won it will reset back to $200.


Peppermill Poker Promotional Payout Policy

Players may win various poker room promotions without having a player's card. Winning players must present valid identification with a current address and allow the staff to create a player's account in order to receive a payout. Players may opt to receive no mail however, the Peppermill will need a player account in order to stay compliant regarding all IRS and NV Gaming regulations.

Players that refuse to present ID or refuse the creation of a player account will forfeit any prizes won and the funds will be returned to the promotional account.


*Players must use both hole cards (pocket pair for quads and full houses) to make the highest possible hand to qualify. Management reserves the right to alter or cancel theses promotions at any time.